22 May 2024

Bank BTPN Officially Becomes a Custodian Bank, Ready to Support Investment Growth in Indonesia's Capital Market

Bank BTPN presents comprehensive investment solutions for more meaningful financial services.


Jakarta, May 22, 2024 - PT Bank BTPN Tbk (Bank BTPN) understands the importance of the role of supporting institutions for investment players in the capital markets industry in line with the development of investment trends and financial literacy. Seeing this, Bank BTPN now officially provides custodian services for Institutional and Individual Investors, local and foreign.


Bank BTPN has obtained approval as a custodian bank from the Financial Services Authority (OJK). This decision is based on OJK Banking Supervisor Approval Letter No. S-71/PB.311/2024, dated January 21, 2024, on the Approval of Custodian Activities, and the OJK Board of Commissioners Decree No. KEP- 31/PM.02/2024, issued on May 7, 2024, in Jakarta, approving PT Bank BTPN Tbk as a custodian bank.


"Bank BTPN has a commitment as a commercial bank whose company shares are listed on the stock exchange to increase the number of investors in the Indonesian capital market. "This is achieved by collaborating or collaborating with investment players and managers by utilizing the products and services that have been available at Bank BTPN, including Custodian services," said Nathan Christianto, Head of Wholesale Banking Group at Bank BTPN.


As a custodian bank, Bank BTPN will carry out transactions related to securities (such as shares, bonds and Mutual Fund Collective Investment Contract participation units) and represent account holders who are its customers. Thus, Bank BTPN will provide services for opening custodial securities accounts, securities storage, transaction settlement, corporate actions, financial administration, and reporting.


"Bank BTPN aims to make it easier for investors to enjoy optimal investment benefits by providing complete custodian services. We integrate innovative financial services in the Bank BTPN ecosystem to give investors more flexibility in achieving their investment goals. We also plan to offer custodian services for overseas investors through the SMBC network, supporting the sustainable growth of Indonesia's capital market," added Nathan.


He added that as a pioneer of digital banking in Indonesia through Jenius, this latest custodian service from Bank BTPN will also be able to utilize Jenius' digital capabilities as life finance solutions from Bank BTPN. One way is by collaborating with Mutual Fund and Government Bond Selling Agents.


Moreover, Bank BTPN is ready to meet its obligation to prioritize security and efficiency in its custodian service operations, complying with OJK regulations for the banking industry and capital markets sector. This includes compliance with Consumer Personal Data Protection, Anti-Money Laundering, Prevention of Terrorism Financing, and Prevention of Weapons of Mass Destruction Financing. This will be an important factor in providing customers with a sense of security and trust that their assets properly administered and stored at Bank BTPN.


"We hope that Bank BTPN's custodian services will enhance financial literacy, helping people make informed investments that align with their risk profiles. This will support sustainable growth in the capital market and contribute to the nation's economic development. Looking ahead, we will continue to offer more meaningful and impactful financial services for all segments of society," Nathan concluded.

For further information please contact:


PT Bank BTPN Tbk
Andrie Darusman – Communications & Daya Head
Email: [email protected] or [email protected]


Bank BTPN in brief

PT Bank BTPN Tbk (Bank BTPN) is a foreign exchange bank and is a merger between PT Bank Tabungan Pensiunan Nasional Tbk (BTPN) and PT Bank Sumitomo Mitsui Indonesia (SMBCI) in February 2019. Bank BTPN serves various segments in the banking industry, from retail to corporate customers, including retirees, micro-, small- and medium-sized enterprises (MSME) and productive underprivileged communities; the consuming class segment; and the corporate segment. Bank BTPN provides the services through business units, such as BTPN Sinaya—a business unit for wealth management, BTPN Purna Bakti—a business serving retirees, BTPN Micro Business—a business unit serving microbusinesses, BTPN Business Banking—a business serving small- and medium-sized enterprises, Jenius—a digital banking platform serving the consuming class segment, and the corporate business unit, which serves national, multinational, and Japanese companies. Bank BTPN also has a subsidiary, namely PT Bank BTPN Syariah Tbk, which focuses on serving productive underprivileged customers. Bank BTPN also regularly provides training sessions and information for customers through the Daya Program—a sustainable and measurable empowerment program—to improve customers’ capacity so they can grow and have a chance to live better.