Bank BTPN E-Banking & Banking Reinvented
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Jenius Banking Reinvented
25 June 2012
Kendari - Monday, June 25, 2012. PT Bank Tabungan Pensiunan Nasional Tbk (BTPN) held Daya empowerment program in BTPN Mitra Usaha Rakyat Mandonga branch office at Saranani Road no. 42, Kendari, South East Sulawesi. Daya is a sustainable and measureable mass market empowerment program that is designed to build the capacity of BTPN’s customers, comprises of pensioners, micro and small enterprises (SMEs), as well as the productive poor communities. Yusri Asri, BTPN Deputy Regional Business Leader, attended the event.
Yusri explained, "BTPN developed Daya program based on a business model that integrates our social and business mission, or known as ‘Do Good Do Well’. The Bank believes that its involvement in improving the customer’s environment will have a positive impact on the customers’ capacity, which eventually also improves the Bank’s growth performance”.
The Bank is committed to continuously develop its customers’ capacity by providing opportunity for growth and a more meaningful life. This is done through the Daya’s three pillars, which are Daya Health and Wellness, Daya Entrepreneurial Capacity Building and Daya Community Empowerment.
This time BTPN held one of its Daya Program which is‘Entrepreneurial Capacity Building’. This program, according to Yusri, is a Business and Capital Development training for small and micro enterprises (SMEs). Training is provided using the ‘Kak Laris’ module, which gives tips for micro traders to increase revenue and create loyal customers.
In addition to the ‘Kak Laris’ training module, the Bank also provides various other training modules, namely ‘Kak Citra’, ‘Bang Handal’ and ‘Mbak Puspa’. The module ‘Kak Citra’ offers tips for micro entrepreneurs in building and developing their brand, so that their businesses have a distinct identity which leads to generate a positive impact for their business. While, the module ‘Bang Handal’ gives tips to traders in managing their finances using a financial recording system. The module ‘Mbak Puspa’ gives tips in managing stock inventory.
"In the one-year period (1 April 2011 - 31 March 2012) the program has reached 841,801 beneficiaries nationwide, an increase of 77% over the same period last year which recorded 474,670 beneficiaries. The beneficiaries are mass market customers, who are small and micro entreprises (SMEs), pensioners, as well as productive poor communities," said Yusri.
Yusri added that the number of Daya activities and training classes held also increased 109% from 14,639 activities (as of March 2011) to 30,591 activities (as of March 2012). In addition, the Bank's empowerment programs which are implemented during this period has received very positive feedback from customers. Based on the evaluation results, the average customer satisfaction rate was above 85%.
"Through the Daya Entrepreneurial Capacity Building program, we hope to enhance the capacity of the Bank’s micro business customers, thus their business will also grow better," said Yusri.
For further information please contact:
PT Bank BTPN Tbk
Andrie Darusman – Communications & Daya Head
Email: [email protected] or [email protected]
PT Bank BTPN Tbk (Bank BTPN) is a foreign exchange bank and is a merger between PT Bank Tabungan Pensiunan Nasional Tbk (BTPN) and PT Bank Sumitomo Mitsui Indonesia (SMBCI) in February 2019. Bank BTPN serves various segments in the banking industry, from retail to corporate customers, including retirees, micro-, small- and medium-sized enterprises (MSME) and productive underprivileged communities; the consuming class segment; and the corporate segment. Bank BTPN provides the services through business units, such as BTPN Sinaya—a business unit for wealth management, BTPN Purna Bakti—a business serving retirees, BTPN Micro Business—a business unit serving microbusinesses, BTPN Business Banking—a business serving small- and medium-sized enterprises, Jenius—a digital banking platform serving the consuming class segment, and the corporate business unit, which serves national, multinational, and Japanese companies. Bank BTPN also has a subsidiary, namely PT Bank BTPN Syariah Tbk, which focuses on serving productive underprivileged customers. Bank BTPN also regularly provides training sessions and information for customers through the Daya Program—a sustainable and measurable empowerment program—to improve customers’ capacity so they can grow and have a chance to live better.