Customer Success Story : Bank BTPN

19 January 2017

Successful Targeting of the Social Media Market Sees a Multiple Rise in Turnover

25-year old Lisatun Nikmah earns a living selling clothes. Born into a modest family in Pangkalpinang, Bangka Belitung, Lisatun had to think hard about how she could lead a more prosperous life. With capital of just Rp 20 million, Lisatun decided to move around selling clothes at different locations. "It was quite exhausting, but I learned what type of clothes people like. This made it much easier for me to sell my clothes," Lisatun explained.


Lisa, as those close to Lisatun call her, kept using this sales method before she finally found out about BTPN in 2014. BTPN offered the clothes vendor the chance to attend some training programs on topics which she immediately put into practice in managing her business. "I got a lot of new knowledge, such as how to sort out my routine expenses, how to determine the type and quality of a variety of clothes, and how to market my clothes through social media," said Lisa.


Lisa was moved to apply the important knowledge she had acquired by selling her clothes through social media sites like Facebook, Instagram, Blackberry Messenger (BBM) and WhatsApp. She realized that her business would not develop without the right marketing.  


It worked! Her turnover began to rise and the business started to grow, so much so that she could afford to buy a home and a kiosk. Lisa has now opened two business branches and three clothing outlets around Pangkalpinang in Bangka Belitung.


In the future, Lisa hopes to add to her investments by opening a store in a mall in Pangkalpinang.