Event : Bank BTPN

15 March 2018

Indonesian High School Students and Teachers Visit Jenius Office

Thursday, March 15, 2018: Dozens of students and teachers from high schools, vocational schools and Islamic high schools from 10 cities in Indonesia visited Jenius office. They were selected by Allianz Indonesia through a creativity-based competition. The visit was an eduventure (education and adventure) program which was part of the Global Money Week campaign – a campaign to increase financial literacy among children and teenagers initiated by the Children and Youth Finance Institution (CYFI).


In Indonesia, the campaign was held by Allianz Indonesia, which is the only Indonesian company participating in the Global Money Week in the past four years.


“Digital Economy” was the theme for this year’s campaign. Related to the theme, Jenius as a life finance application which revolutionizes banking through digitalization process since the beginning was named by Allianz as one of the offices to cater the educative journey for the students. At Jenius office, the students had the chance to know and learn different digital features that could be utilized to expand their interests.


 “Digital Economy” was picked as a theme because the digital economy industry has been rapidly increasing and is projected to become a huge contributor for economic growth in 2018. Therefore, it is important for Indonesians, especially the younger generation, to be able to make use of digital economy to develop their interests.

For further information please contact:

PT Bank BTPN Tbk
Andrie Darusman – Daya & Corporate Communications Head
Telp: 021-30026200
Email: [email protected] or [email protected]