Event : Bank BTPN

26 May 2023

Bank BTPN holds halal bihalal and Retirement Week in 7 regions

In carrying out its business, Bank BTPN always tries to provide the best service for its customers, both in terms of financial and non-financial services such as providing community activity facilities to facilitate Retired Customers to gather, socialize and interact in order to develop mental and physical health to stay healthy.


In line with this spirit, still in the atmosphere of Eid al-Fitr, Bank BTPN is holding halal bihalal activities and Retirement Week which will be held on 3-11 May 2023 in 7 work areas spread across several cities.


In the halal bihalal event and Retirement Week, the invitees also had the opportunity to take part in a number of activities that are beneficial for retirees, such as conducting empowered community activities that can support physical and spiritual health improvement such as Tausiah, singing, dancing, quizzes, and others.


Hopefully with this activity, retired customers can increase their sense of brotherhood and stay healthy and actively socialize.

For further information please contact:

PT Bank BTPN Tbk
Andrie Darusman – Daya & Corporate Communications Head
Telp: 021-30026200
Email: [email protected] or [email protected]