Event : Bank BTPN

01 September 2022

Bank BTPN Holds Pekan Purnabakti in 7 Regional Offices

In order to increase intimacy and provide space for expression to improve mental health for customers, in September and October 2022 Bank BTPN held a series of Pekan Purnabakti activities in 7 regional offices, namely Medan, Cililitan, Tangerang, Bandung, Semarang, Surabaya and Makassar.


Pekan Purnabakti invites retired customers to take part in various competitions, including cooking, singing and fashion shows. In this activity, joint sports and bazaars are also held which provide opportunities for customers to peddle their business products. Customers throughout the region seemed very enthusiastic about participating in the various activities held. Those who come out as winners will get a total prize of Rp. 1,500,000 for each category of the competition.


Through this activity, Bank BTPN strives to always be present as a space for retired customers to socialize and express, encouraging them to always be healthy and happy to live a more meaningful retirement.

Purnabakti Idol at Medan Branch Office, September 20th, 2022.


Purnabakti Fashion Week at Cililitan Branch Office, September 28th, 2022.


Purnabakti Sehat at Bandung Branch Office, October 3rd, 2022.


Purnabakti Chef at Makassar Branch Office, October 3rd, 2022.


Purnabakti Idol at Tangerang Branch Office, October 5th, 2022.


Purnabakti Chef prize giving ceremony at Semarang Branch Office by Darmadi Sutanto, Deputy Vice President Bank BTPN, October 18th, 2022.


Henoch Munandar, President Director Bank BTPN, visit the Purnabakti Bazaar at Semarang Branch Office, October 18th, 2022.


The festivities of Pekan Purnabakti participants at Surabaya Branch Office, October 18th, 2022.


For further information please contact:

PT Bank BTPN Tbk
Andrie Darusman – Daya & Corporate Communications Head
Telp: 021-30026200
Email: [email protected] or [email protected]