Working Capital Loan & Investment Loan : Bank BTPN

Working Capital Loan & Investment Loan

Grow your business with us as we can support you with our range of corporate loan facilities. Whether you need a simple short-term financing to manage day-to-day operation or longer-term financing to fuel your project or business growth, our Relationship Managers are always ready to help you.

Investment Loan

Longer financing terms increase flexibility in maneuvering your capital expenditure cost, yet, minimize the immediate impact on operational cash flow. Either to purchase assets or equipment, BTPN Wholesale is able to support you with medium to long term loan at competitive interest rates.

Working Capital Loan

We understand that covering the gaps in working capital to meet your cash flow requirement is essential for your business. At BTPN Wholesale, we provides loan facilities in IDR, USD and JPY for corporate customers such as short-term financing and export-import related loan to support your day-to-day operational expenditure at competitive interest rates.

  1. Market Risk
    Risk of financial losses due to changes in market prices. In association with lending and borrowing activities, there are 2 (two) kind of market risks that may impact both Debtor and Creditor financial position:
    1. Interest Rate Risk
      Risk that arise due to fluctuating interest rates. If debtors are paying floating interest rate for the loan, they are exposed to fluctuating interest rates which will impact to increasing amount of loan installment that needs to be paid.
    2. Exchange Rate Risk
      Risk that arise from the fluctuations in value of one currency against another. Debtors are exposed to exchange rate risk if they have loan in foreign currency. If the valuation of the loan currency appreciates against its payment currency it will impact to the amount of loan installment or principle that needs to be paid.
  2. Credit Risk
    Risk of default on a debt that arises from a debtor fails to fulfill the obligation to pay interest installment or principle amount in accordance with the credit agreement. In this case, bank as Creditor have full rights to impose early termination of facility, demand full loan repayment and apply any fees and charges related to the early termination of the facility. 

For further inquiries and details, please contact your Relationship Manager (RM). We will be glad to support and assist you.

Significant Impact

Our empowerment program is an integrated element to our business model. We will always try to create opportunities for all BTPN customers to grow and make a more meaningful life through our products and activities.

Wignyo Rahadi

BTPN Sinaya Customer

“I started my tenun (traditional woven cloth) business in 1997. After three years, I began offering training and work opportunities for local communities in Sukabumi, West Java, in Bengkel Tenun workshop. My empowerment project has helped locals who have received trainings to improve their life. Many of them have even started out their own business and also train others to grow and develop together.”  

Cecep Solihin

BTPN Sinaya Customer

“My business has grown significantly after three years of becoming a BTPN customer. Especially with the trainings I received from BTPN, now I understand about bookkeeping and business management. There, I also learnt about online business.”

Joice Handoko

BTPN Sinaya Customer

“As a BTPN customer, I feel compelled to share with and empower others. In every occasion, I always encourage other customers who run businesses to introduce online marketing. I’m so glad to contribute by providing training for micro and small business owners on how to use the internet to sell their products online.”