Kredit Pensiun Sejahtera Plus : Bank BTPN

Kredit Pensiun Sejahtera Plus

Kredit Pensiun Sejahtera Plus is a credit facility for employees, who are facing retirement period, with a maximum installment of six (6) months.


  • Postponement of installment payments (principal + interest) for a maximum of 6 months (grace period)

    • Repayment of all obligations (principal and interest) is made when the grace period ends. On maturity date, repayment is deducted directly from Tabungan Hari Tua (THT)
  • Easy and fast

    • Easy terms*
    • Funds will be disbursed immediately on the same day after the documents and credit requirements are declared complete by the bank.
  • Flexible

    • Credit ceiling up to IDR 300 million
    • Choice of credit term 1-6 months
  • Protection for heirs

    • Credit facilities are protected by insurance, so that the remaining loan is paid off if the customer pass away.
    • Insurance options: PT. Allianz Indonesia Insurance, PT. Avrist Assurance, and PT Heksa Solution Insurance.

*In accordance with applicable terms and conditions


Have Your Kredit Pensiun Sejahtera Plus Today

Document requirement :

  • Original Pension Decree/SKEP
  • Photocopy of valid KTP
  • Reference for Tabungan Hari Tua (THT)
  • Photocopy of NPWP (for credit limit above IDR 50 million)
  • Requirements for pension and THT documents
  • Account opening documents

Significant Impact

Our empowerment program is an integrated element to our business model. We will always try to create opportunities for all BTPN customers to grow and make a more meaningful life through our products and activities.


BTPN Mataram Customer

“Since the 1990s, I have been developing, accommodating and selling the handiwork of weavers. Unfortunately, the business was not going anywhere. After my retirement, I was determined to develop this business further. Now, together with the BTPN Purna Bakti, my business has grown and I have my own gallery.”

Cecep Solihin

BTPN Bogor Customer

“My business has grown significantly after three years of becoming a BTPN customer. Especially with the trainings I received from BTPN, now I understand about bookkeeping and business management. There, I also learnt about online business.”

Rudy Chandra

BTPN Pecenongan Customer

"Small to medium retail printing is a capital heavy business, but what we sell is largely service-unlike the large scale printing companies. Not many banks are willing to look past the surface and understand the type of business that I have built and run since 8 years ago. With the Bank’s support and assistance over the past 2 years, my business continues to grow together with BTPN Mitra Bisnis."