Corporate Account : Bank BTPN

Corporate Account

Access and navigate your fund with our savings products as we can equip you with the tools to support your daily banking needs and help you stay on top of your finances.

Current Account

Our Current Account is designed to support your business needs. Access your account from anywhere in the world and control your transactions online conveniently. Adding more value to your business, we can equip you with our Escrow Account(s) to support diverse business and project requirements under specific arrangement and condition.
For transactional purposes, our Current Account supports 12 different currencies: IDR, USD, JPY, AUD, SGD, EUR, GBP, HKD, CHF, THB, CNY, and INR. For withdrawal purposes, we support 3 banknote currencies: IDR, USD, and JPY.


Corporate Account

  1. Deposit and withdrawal of fund can be served at our counters using deposit slip during bank’s opening hours (08:30-14:30).
  2. No initial deposit nor minimum balance required for the opening account.
  3. The customer is required to provide clear, true and accurate information upon opening an account in compliance with standard Bank Indonesia’s regulation.
  4. Bank reserve the rights to disregard the opening account application and/or force-close the account should any in compliance with policy and regulations found.


Current Account
Certain forms and documents are required for opening Current Account. Please give us a call for detail information, policy and procedure in opening Current Account at WHOLESALE BANKING.

Please call your Relationship Manager (RM) or our TBSD staff(s) for more detail information. 

Significant Impact

Our empowerment program is an integrated element to our business model. We will always try to create opportunities for all BTPN customers to grow and make a more meaningful life through our products and activities.


BTPN Mataram Customer

“Since the 1990s, I have been developing, accommodating and selling the handiwork of weavers. Unfortunately, the business was not going anywhere. After my retirement, I was determined to develop this business further. Now, together with the BTPN Purna Bakti, my business has grown and I have my own gallery.”

Cecep Solihin

BTPN Bogor Customer

“My business has grown significantly after three years of becoming a BTPN customer. Especially with the trainings I received from BTPN, now I understand about bookkeeping and business management. There, I also learnt about online business.”

Rudy Chandra

BTPN Pecenongan Customer

"Small to medium retail printing is a capital heavy business, but what we sell is largely service-unlike the large scale printing companies. Not many banks are willing to look past the surface and understand the type of business that I have built and run since 8 years ago. With the Bank’s support and assistance over the past 2 years, my business continues to grow together with BTPN Mitra Bisnis."